

Website Dresses | Victor Faretina

Dressing Our Favorite Websites

We all know that we live in a hypertechnologic society, where all the devices we can imagine are ready to be connected anytime anywhere. The online world has become a second reality that can be lived with equal intensity. A visionary designer, Victor Faretina has taken this idea and dressed it up on Deviant Art with a collection of Website Dresses inspired by some of the most popular websites and social networks,

Dress inspired by MSN Messenger

Each dress reflects the specific colors and features of the websites, giving them their own personalities for different attitudes. Feel curious? Then you should try on the Google dress. Available for a friendly chat? Then go with the Facebook one.

Google dress by Victor Faretina

Facebook dress by Victor Faretina

So far the dresses are just prototypes, since Victor wanted to try out his ideas online, but the Website Dresses collection has gained enough success that there may be some interesting outfits coming to us soon…

Wikipedia dress by Victor Faretina

Youtube dress by Victor Faretina


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